“Kenan” is an American sitcom created by Jackie Clarke and David Caspe. The story of the series revolves around a widowed father who has two daughters. He works as a host on a morning program. Moreover, he lives with his father-in-law and his brother who always keep offering their perspective and advice about family and life. Trey Coscia and Keith Raskinare the producers of the show and it airs an episode on NBC every week. Andrew Singer, Lorne Michaels, Kenan Thompson, Jackie Clarke, David Caspe, and Ken Whittingham are the executive producers of the series with the filming being done entirely in Los Angeles, California. Broadway Video, Shark vs. Bear Productions, and Universal Television are the production companies behind the show with NBCUniversal Television Distribution being its sole distributors. Anyhow, now let us have a look at the cast for the series. It comprises of some really versatile and talented artists.


Kenan Thompson as Kenan Williams: Kenan Thompson is an American comedian and actor. He is popular for being the longest-tenured cast member of “Saturday Night Live”. Apart from that, he has been a part of many famous movies and series like “Snakes on a Plane”, “Hubie Halloween”, “All That”, and “Kenan & Kel”. Don Johnson as Rick: Don Johnson is an American producer, singer, director, songwriter, and actor. Some of his best works include “Cease Fire”, “Knives Out”, “Miami Vice”, and “Nash Bridges”. Chris Redd as Gary Williams: Chris Redd is an American comedian and actor. Some of his best works include “Scare Me”, “Vampires vs. the Bronx”, and “Disjointed”. Kimrie Lewis as Mika: Kimrie Lewis is an American director, writer, comedian, and actress. She rose to fame after portraying the character of Poppy Banks in “Single Parents”. Some of her other best works include “Peeples”, “2 Broke Girls”, “The Mindy Project”, and “Superstore”. Dani Lane as Aubrey Williams: Dani Lane is an American child artist. Some of the series that she has been a part of are “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” and “Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards 2021”. Dannah Lane as Birdie Williams: Dannah Lane is an American child artist who has done many series and films. Some of her best works include “Same Time, Next Christmas” and “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”.

What to expect from the upcoming episode of “Kenan”?

Episode 5 of “Kenan” Season 1 is titled “Flipp’d”. In the previous episode, we saw that after seeing Mika’s five failed engagements, Kenan gets inspiration to start dating again. Gary supports this decision. However, Rick was completely against it. The sole reason was that Rick cannot accept someone taking his daughter’s place. In the end, Rick finally realizes that he needs to let Kenan move on with his life. However, Kenan also takes the decision to take things slowly by only doing casual dates. So, it will be interesting to see how the story proceeds from here. The production has not released any official trailer for the upcoming episode. However, you can watch the official trailer for the first season of the series. You can click to watch it below.

When is “Kenan” Season 1 Episode 5 going to release?

“Kenan” Season 1 Episode 5 is going to release on 23rd March 2021 i.e. on Tuesday at 8:30 PM ET. You can tune in to NBC to watch the episode at the time mentioned above. In case, you miss out on the episode due to some reason, you do not need to worry. You can even stream it later on the official website of NBC or their app. Apart from all this, you can rent or buy episodes from Hulu, Vudu, and iTunes. So, brace yourselves as the comedy-drama returns this week with yet another exciting episode. Until then, let us know in the comments section what do you think will happen in the upcoming episode. Also, tell us your thoughts about the show and its storyline till now.

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