Letty suggests that they will travel with the girl until they escort her home. The two realize that the bandits and the heroes are after Ms. Karlher head since she has a huge bounty. In the morning, Dearia enjoys brushing the hair of Ms. Karlher, trying to make a new hairstyle. After he finishes, Ms. Karlher got impressed that she had a unique style and praised Dearia for his work. Derai notices that ever since he met with Ms. Karhler, she is getting a night of good sleep. Ms. Karhler comments that she’s been on the run for a few days. Letty wakes up later and finds the two talking about him. Ms. Karhler thinks that Letty has to lay chicken eggs every day. She realizes that Letty has a son Pip who looks like a chicken. Letty shouts he is a male, and he doesn’t lay eggs. Dearia comments that Letty decides the next property that Letty likes. Ms. Karhler notices that Letty is having trouble deciding, which is why he has stayed with Dearia for a long time. Letty said I let Dearia handled everything until now. Ms. Karhler asks Letty if he is Piyovelt’s father.
Previously on Dragon Goes House-Hunting Episode 11
The title of the episode is ”A Home for a Kingdom.” Ms. Karhler can’t believe that Piyovelt’s father can’t choose a new home, and he must be a better role model for him. She begins to scold Letty that if he can’t take care of Piyovelt, he can be a good dragon. Letty wonders who’s Piyovelt and realizes that it is Pip’s nickname. Suddenly a guy who looks like Aladine arrives and reveals that he is working with the Non-Human Internal Revenue Service. The guy comments that he is pleased to make acquaintance with Red Dragon. Letty is lying on the ground, and the new guy wonders what is happening. The guy realizes that when he lands, he stomped on top of Letty’s chest. That guy said that he has come to speak with Letty about unpaid income taxes. Dearia comments that this guy steps on Dearia’s chest. The guy decided to use a restoration to revive Letty. Letty remarks that he is okay and still alive. The guy reveals that he is Nashim, a tax counselor with the Non-Human Internal Revenue Service.
Income Tax
Letty took the documents and checks how much he has to pay for income tax. Nashim reveals that if Letty is no longer with his parents, he can take care of himself. Letty wonders if this is a magic spell and Ms. Karhler comments that taxes aren’t magic; Letty is stupid. Nashim explains about the income tax report and that what he offered to Letty. Ms. Karhler notices that Letty knows nothing about income tax. She explains that Letty needs to show the government how much he earns to determine what he owes. Letty replies that he has no idea that dragons have to pay taxes. Ms. Karhler’s comments say the dragon that wants to buy a house. Nashim said the Demon Lord is the reason. Non-Humans can enjoy life in this society. It is only under the Demon Lord’s protective wing that Non-Humans can prosper. Nashim notices Dearia and realizes that it is the Demon Lord. Dearia told Nishim to continue, and Nashim begins to behave and adequately talks with Letty. Nashim asks Letty if he wants to file a report since the office is nearby. Letty started to act cocky since he knows that Nashim is afraid of Dearia. Nashim rolled his fists and told Letty that he wouldn’t want to commit tax evasion since it is a crime. Letty and the rest head to Non-Human Internal Revenue Service offices. Nashim assists Letty with the filling of the report. Letty realizes that he is unemployed, has no home address, and is looking for a home. Nashim comments then that makes Letty Unemployed and Unhoused. Later the trio ends up in a royal castle, thinking that they are inside a dungeon.
Dragon Goes House-Hunting Episode 12 Release Date
Dragon Goes House-Hunting Episode 12 release date is 20 June 2021, at 10:00 PM JST. You can watch Dragon Goes House-Hunting online on AnimeLab.
Also, read Preview: Dragon Goes House-Hunting Episode 11.